Christianity, current events, God, November 2016 election, Star Trek

“Day of the Dove” and America 2020: Something to think about

I was thinking of Star Trek TOS and realized there was an episode called “Day of the Dove” in which the script is very similar to the condition of America 2020, and I would like to explore that in this post. If you are already familiar with the original series and this episode, you can follow along easily. I will add details to help those who may not be familiar with it.

The episode begins with a fake distress call which draws the Enterprise to a deserted world where there was supposed to be a human colony. Shortly thereafter, a Klingon ship is also drawn to the same planet by another fake distress signal. The Federation and the Klingon Empire have been at peace up to this point, but as the Klingon ship enters orbit, it is disabled by an unknown power and most of its crew is killed. This creates suspicions among the Klingon survivors that maybe the Enterprise attacked them.

The false message and the start of contentions

I will open my comments on the fake message that drew both ships to this deserted world. There was peace between the two powers up to this point, but now this false message and the events afterwards plant seeds of doubt that maybe one or the other has begun hostilities. Similarly, America was a land at peace. We have two major parties and our elections were peaceful transfers of power; they were unmarked by the widespread violence and massive protests other countries experienced. People respected law enforcement and our institutions of government. But a false message has been circulated that our democracy is under assault, and we have been told that President Trump in particular with Republicans and conservatives in general as cofactors in a threat against our country. Like the distress call, this is the fake message that has drawn us into contention and strife with each other. Civility has been replaced with hostility. Friendships and even family relationships have been disrupted or destroyed because of who one voted for. The appellations used to refer to conservatives are many and derogatory; they have been called racists, xenophobic, white supremacists and misogynists, which are among the most common. In response, some conservatives have unfortunately also resorted to pejorative labeling and name calling, which only makes things worse.

We have violence in the streets. Our cities burn and businesses suffer looting. Whole sections of society proudly “Resist” and identify as part of the “resistance” based on an erroneous message.

The stage is set

The episode continues when the Enterprise landing party returns to their ship with the party of Klingons.  there, Kirk places the Klingons into custody and transfers all the survivors to the Enterprise. Shortly after this an alien power begins to disrupt and manipulate life on the Enterprise. Most of the crew are trapped below decks leaving only thirty-eight crewmen left. The Klingon survivors also number thirty-eight, and so now the evenly matched sides are pitted against each other, complete with weapons and old animosities and even a case of imagined wrong (Chekov’s brother) by the alien power. Both sides now fight to take control of the Enterprise.

The American battlefield

The political makeup of America is about an even split between Republicans and Democrats, and as I have mentioned, we were peaceful in our politics up to now. With the 2016 election the “Resistance” reared its head, and some truly ugly things were said and done. Forces in Congress focused on getting President Trump out. There was an “insurance policy” in the FBI against a Trump win, the Mueller probe which turned up nothing, the impeachment and subsequent Senate trial which again went nowhere, the Speaker of the House tears up a copy of the State of the Union speech. Add to this violence, looting and arson in many American cities over police shootings. The pattern of conflict in “Day of the Dove” is repeating in our politics.

An epiphany

When the conflict continues aboard the Enterprise, and even among his own crew, Captain Kirk has his hands full. After repeated calls for vengeance against the Klingons and an incident of race hatred on the bridge between Scotty and Mr. Spock, he begins to realize something is amiss. They have never been at each other’s throats like this before:

“What’s happening here? We have been trained to think in other terms than war.  We’ve been trained to fight its causes if necessary. Then why are we behaving like a group of savages?”

And then Captain Kirk recognizes a pattern of manipulation:

“Two forces aboard this ship, each of them equally armed. Has a war been staged for us? Complete with weapons and ideology and patriotic drum beating? Even race hatred?”

I think this is a surprisingly accurate description of America in 2020. Our elections and way of life were peaceful up to this point. Now not only do we have forces trying to overthrow our 2016 election, there are those who incite racial, class, and ideological division in this country, turning Americans against each other. I don’t believe this just “happened.” Behind the scenes and in the shadows of the dark plans were drawn up against our nation to cause disruption, division, and regime change. This is too organized to be by chance. Someone is supplying, financing, and directing this “resistance.” A war truly has been staged for us.

Mr. Spock adds to Captain Kirk’s observations with this:

“Recent events seem to be directed towards a magnification of the basic hostilities between humans and Klingons. Apparently, it is by design that we fight. We seem to be pawns.”

One can see how this correlates strongly with the same situation in America 2020. This should have been just another election. We were at peace with one another until a contrived “emergency” and “resistance” was put in motion complete with weapons, ideology and its own drum beat.  Almost immediately there was a woman’s march on Washington DC which lead to more acts of resistance. Racial hostility is magnified with constant cries of “white supremacy” and “white privilege.” Cancel culture and censorship have worked to silence conservative voices, news they consider fake, and alternate points of view. There have even been revelations that resistance groups will attempt to shut down major America cities after the election of 2020. “It is by design that we fight.”

Something to think about

The cure is also similar to the one that saved the Enterprise crew: A realization of who the real enemy is and a united front against it.

In the Day of the Dove, both sides stopped fighting against each other when they realized they were being manipulated by an unknown power. Once they knew this, they could act in unity against this power and save their lives. We need this same realization and unity in America. We are being manipulated. A war is being staged for us and our fighting among ourselves is by design. We need to realize who the enemy is, and we need a united front against it. We can end the days of being a pawn. And Christians, we need prayer warriors to intercede against this darkness. This fight is also against powers, principalities, and spiritual forces of wickedness in high places.

Let’s restore America as a land where power is transferred peacefully, we can agree to disagree without violence, where we examine all things and hold fast only to what is good, and where God is glorified. Let’s repent of evil and hating our neighbors and turn away from it while there is still time. It’s up to you America.

Cheshvan 12, 5781

October 30, 2020

Christianity, current events, November 2016 election, politics, Uncategorized

Fighting the wrong war

President Obama has been criticized for his failure to name the enemy by saying the words ‘Islamic terrorism.’ He has even gone on a denial/apologetic tour to deflect any blame for the actions of Muslim terrorists, and his Administration even went so far as to say that climate change is the real enemy. While we can speculate as to why he is doing this, the fact is no corrective action will ever succeed if the enemy is not properly identified. Or if we put it another way, if the cause of a problem is wrong, it follows that any solutions to fix the problem will also be wrong.

This brings us to the present day with a view to the upcoming November elections. Up to this point, there has been a lot of in house fighting among conservatives about which candidate to support, but now that Ted Cruz and John Kasich have suspended their presidential campaigns, the way is clear for Donald Trump to receive the Republican nomination. There has also been a call for all conservatives to unite behind Trump and concentrate on defeating the Democrats and Hillary Clinton, who is now being billed as the real opponent we must now defeat. This is another misidentification of who the real enemy is, and I would like to show why this reasoning is part of the problem and not part of the solution.

We may live in a physical world, but the word of God tells us this physical world is not all there is. An unseen spiritual world also exists along with our physical world that we do see. Paul writes that “while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal” (2 Cor 4:18). These different worlds also interact with each other, and events on one world can influence events in the other. We see this after Yeshua sent out His disciples to minister to the people; they returned with joy and said “’Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name.’ And He [Yeshua] said to them, ‘I was watching Satan fall from Heaven like lightening’” (Luke 10:17-18). Lastly, there are spiritual beings that are good and bad. The evil spiritual beings seek to blind people to the truth of God’s word so that they will perish: “And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, in whose case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving, that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God” (2 Cor 4: 3-4).

Having said all this, we know the state of America in 2016 is not good. Today we have strife, division, variance, idolatry, divorce, avarice, debt, deception, hypocrisy, rebellion, disrespect, hatred, covetousness, pride, arrogance, and foolishness at levels that were unheard of in American history as this nation continues to exchange the light of God’s truth for the deceptive ‘freedom’ to do whatever is right in our own eyes. We are seeing the consequences of what happens if people believe there’s no God. As Dostoevsky wrote, if God doesn’t exist, everything would be permissible, and people would live their lives as if there is no governing moral code that applies to everyone. Conservatives have linked liberal politics and agendas with the decline of our nation, but does this make Hillary Clinton and the Democrats the ‘real opponents’ that they speak of? The answer is no.

The reason why Hillary Clinton and the Democrats are not the real opponents we should focus on is because they have been blinded by spiritual darkness, but people have become so polarized about the November elections they won’t acknowledge the work of the real enemy like President Obama won’t recognize Islamic terrorism. The Adversary has persuaded many people to accept and do things that are at variance with God’s word by blinding them spiritually, and since the problem is spiritual, it would be foolish to think this situation can be corrected at the ballot box. It must be stopped in the spiritual realm, so if you want to stop corruption in its tracks, we must exercise the authority Yeshua gives us over the enemy and take on the spiritual forces of darkness. Paul reminds us where the real fight must be fought when he wrote: “Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12). If we will do this once again like the disciples Yeshua sent out, Satan will once again fall from Heaven like lightening as he did before, spiritual blindness will be cured, and people will be set free to love God and their neighbors again. The Adversary knows that this is what will happen God’s people use their spiritual authroity, and he dreads it. But that won’t happen if all our focus is on politics and the ballot box.

Nisan 26, 5776
